nail salon..Mycocide Review

nail salon..Mycocide Review

Sunday, October 24, 2010 | Tags: , , ,
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Callus Exfoliating Foot Cream by Woodward's
I received several products by from a PR representative to review.
The box was filled with products from Mycocde. One of the products was called Mycocide NS Antifungal Treatment kit. My father took one look at the box and ran away with it ( i didnt ask). But, prior to receiving the treatment he kept complaining about his toes..I haven't heard anything from him since. I would consider that a thumbs up ( i guess) . I also received the Mycocide nail whitener which I decided not to try because, the last time I tried a nail whitener it made my nails really weak and the product ( not by Mycocide) also smelled like bleach. I didn't want to take that chance. If you are like me and paint your nails all the time the best ways to prevent your nails for staining is the proactive way use..BASE COAT!
Finally, I DID use the Callus Exfoliating Foot Cream. It worked just as described. I used the product daily for two weeks. I don't have really callused feet but, after wearing flip flops all summer this is the best time of year to give you feet some extra TLC. I liked that the cream is exfoliating, I could feel may callused skin washing away ( I am addicted to anything with exfoliation). I liked the cute little foot file that came in the box. I didnt have to search around my house looking for one ( that's a plus). Overall, I liked the Exfoliating foot cream .
I already have a few friends who will be getting an extra treat in their holiday stocking.... ( their feet will thank me!)
Have you tried any Mycocide products? LMK
nail salon.

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